Monday, June 18, 2018

Pura Vida Mae

Hello everyone!

I would like to start this blog off by explaining the meaning of "pura vida". As some of you may or may not know, this phrase is sort of a trademark saying in Costa Rica. I have encountered the "pura vida" phrase in a million different situations. For example, when you ask someone, "¿cómo estás?" they can respond with "pura vida." In contrast, when you are saying goodbye, the same phrase can be used. Or when you run into someone at the store. Or if you are asking about someone's children.

You probably get the point; "pura vida" is a go-to-phrase here. Well this saying directly translates to signify "pure life." Beautiful, right? The culture here is very much a go-with-the-flow, don't worry about the small things sort of a place. At first this sort of lifestyle takes some getting used to, especially if you are accustomed to the fast-paced lifestyle of many Americans as I was.

The first weekend when we were traveling we weren't given an itinerary until the night before, and none of us had a clear idea of exactly what we were doing. However, as one of my teachers explained it, "we have a plan! However, when our plans have to change, we don't sweat it." I am very much a person who is comfortable when there is a set plan and hourly explanation of what is going on. At first, this sort of a lifestyle made me more nervous and paranoid than it made me relaxed. However, as I have started getting used to my life in Costa Rica, the "pura vida" setting has become easier, and I have started to really enjoy it!

This expression displays a distinct difference between Costa Rican and United States culture. Rather than fighting against it, I've found it's easier to embrace it and enjoy it!

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